On 18 February 2024, battery manufacturers placing their products on the EU market will have to comply with the EU’s new rules for batteries.These rules will have wide-reaching implications for battery manufacturers across the globe as the EU attempts to create a new global benchmark for the safe and sustainable supply of batteries.Under the new regulation, manufactures will, among other requirements, have to conduct detailed carbon footprint assessments of their products, develop comprehensive due diligence processes and transparently report on their products through product-specific battery passports.Yet with only a few weeks to go and limited time to prepare, manufacturers looking to access one of the biggest battery markets face a daunting task: How to develop a realistic roadmap to comply with all the requirements laid out before them.
For those who are able to answer this question, the regulation provides an opportunity to develop competitive advantage in an otherwise difficult market.In this webinar, we aim to answer this question by providing:
- A detailed understanding of the regulation’s main sustainability and supply chain requirements
- A six-point plan to help you get ahead of the requirements
- Insight into how to overcome the challenges of supply chain engagement and data governance to efficiently use resources and ensure compliance